Now you are loading contents. This process might take a few minutes. Please be patient and do not close the browser. Hold on tight!

tutorial image cancel image

You can hear LiveSound

if press this button.

tutorial image cancel image

Press the diamond over a dancing avatar.

You will see his/her profile.

If you like to chat, press chat request button.

tutorial image cancel image

You can see and edit your profile

to press this button.

tutorial image cancel image

You can find friend who comes this place.

To press this button

and find friend then let't chat with him/her.

tutorial image cancel image

You can apply to get freeNFT for memory today.

System init a new NFT, you will get email for this.

Please wait until the email comes.

tutorial image cancel image

Do NOT turn to sideways if you are

seeing a smartphone.

Do not show this tutorial box for a while.